Specific Committees are an integral part of the LOOF organisation and are described in its statutory by-rules.
Here are the existing committees with the person in charge of each of them:
Scientific Council
Headed by Alain Fontbonne
contact : conseil.scientifique@loof.asso.fr
- Marie Abitbol (Génétique)
- Sylvie Chastant-Maillard (Reproduction)
- Lucie Chevallier (Génétique)
- Etienne Furthner
- Adeline Decambron (Chirurgie, Orthopédie, Neurochirurgie)
- Alain Fontbonne (Reproduction)
- Claude Guintard (Anatomiste)
- Juan Hernandez (Médecine interne)
- Maxime Kurtz
- Sophie Le Poder (Virologie, maladie infectieuse)
- Geneviève Marignac (Dermatologie, maladies parasitaires)
- Emmanuelle Titeux (Ethologie)
- Administrateurs : Catherine Bourreau, Alyse Brisson, Catherine Le Trionnaire, Françoise Supatto, Ginette Troch
Breed Clubs Committee
Headed by Véronique Dubos
contact : commission.clubs-race@loof.asso.fr
- Jacqueline Chabbi
- Pascal Dégory
- Véronique Dubos
- Chantal Houry
- Véronique Liévin
Show Committee
Headed by Patrick LETERRIER
contact : commission.expos@loof.asso.fr
- Damien Bourreau
- Bernard Comte
- Patrick Leterrier
- Claudine Pissy
Breeders' Committee
Ambre Le Breton Rippe
contact : commission.eleveurs@loof.asso.fr
- Florent Fissot
- Chantal Houry
- Ambre Le Breton Rippe
- Brigitte Pomié
Judges Committee
Headed by Pascale PORTELAS
contact : commission.juges@loof.asso.fr
- Geneviève Basquine
- Xavier Chabois-Chouvel
- Sylvie Comte
- Aline Garel
- Corinne Michaux
- Stéphane Monnier
- Pascale Portelas
- Ginette Troch
Standards Committee
Headed by Jonathan KOSKAS
contact : commission.standards@loof.asso.fr
- Geneviève Basquine
- Brigitte Berthelon
- Alyse Brisson
- Martine Caillard
- Florent Fissot
- Aline Garel
- Jonathan Koskas
SQR* Committee
(*Système de Qualification des Reproducteurs)Headed by Catherine BASTIDE
contact : commission.sqr@loof.asso.fr
- Catherine Bastide
- Véronique Dubos
- Maryse Kouvtanovitch
- Véronique Liévin
- Richard Maignaut
- Claudine Pissy
- Françoise Supatto
Find back this page: "LOOF", "Organisation", "Commissions"
© LOOF, 2009-2021, all photographic credits, unless otherwise specified, go to www.christophe-hermeline.com
Today is 09.03.2025