A LOOF pedigree is an official document fulfilling two goals:
- it shows the ascent of the cat on several generations (4 in addition to the cat itself).
- it recognizes the cat as belonging to a given breed and hence gives the cat its purebred cat status.
All cats born in France since January 1999 must have a LOOF pedigree to be considered as purebred cats (see more on the underlying regulations on the "What is LOOF ?" page).You may look at what a LOOF pedigree looks like by clicking on the following thumbnails:
A kitten must mandatorily be identified (by a microchip or a tattoo) prior to the pedigree establishment and the chip number appears on the pedigree. The kitten must be born from parents who have themselves either:
- a LOOF pedigree;
- a pedigree delivered by one of the studbooks having joined in the creation of LOOF (if born in France before January 1999);
- or a pedigree from a recognized federation if born out of France.
This is a necessary condition, albeit not sufficient to claim that the kitten be a purebred one. The breeder must also do the necessary declarations (see below) for the kitten to have its own pedigree established and verified by LOOF. Only the owner of the queen may request the pedigree for her litters, which will bear his cattery name (affix).
Depuis janvier 2015, chaque document généalogique est identifié par une couleur distinctive, le bleu étant pour le pedigree du Livre Principal.
Lorsque la portée est inscrite au Registre d'Inscription Expérimental (RIEX), par exemple parce qu'un mariage non autorisé habituellement ou une couleur non reconnue dans une race figure dans la généalogie, c'est le vert qui est utilisé.
Lorsque la portée est inscrite au Registre d'Inscription au titre de l'Apparence (RIA), parce qu'une partie de la généalogie est inconnue, c'est alors l'orange.
Enfin, pour les inscriptions au Registre de Filiation (RF), le titre apparaît en jaune.
Tous ces pedigrees sont imprimés sur fond blanc, avec un filigrane différent pour chaque registre.The different genealogical documents aree identified by different colours depending on whether the cat is registered in the main book (blue title) or in an annex of the main book. These annexes include the RIEX (« Registre d'Inscription Expérimental », green title) for cats whose ancestry is not fully compliant over 4 generations and the RIA (« Registre d'Inscription au titre de l'Apparence », orange title) when part of the ancestry is not officially known. The « Registre de Filiation » (yellow title) is a separate register for cats which do not (or do not have yet) the status of breed cats.
To know more, you may download the complete rules applying to RIEX, RIA and RF and which are part of the LOOF standards guide.
Between September 2009 and December 2014, LOOF pedigrees of the main book were printed on an ivory-coloured background, whereas RIEX used a white background and RIA a salmon-pink background.
RIEX RIA To get a LOOF pedigree for the kittens born from his/her queen, the breeder must:
- fill a mating/birth declaration (DSN = « déclaration de saillie/naissance »)
This document, which is signed by both the stud owner and the queen owner, is sent to LOOF during the two months following the birth of the litter. It contains all the stud and queen data, as well as the birth date and the number of kittens born.
After checking of the compliance of this DSN, a form is sent to the breeder with all the stud and queen data filled in, enabling him/her to:- submit a pedigree request
Once the kittens identified, the pedigree request may be sent back to LOOF, before the kittens are 6 months old (up to 8 months tolerated). After this date, the pedigree request may still be accepted in specific cases but higher rates apply.
In no case may the buyer of the kitten request the pedigree himself, hence it is important to check that the sales contract mentions whether the cat is a purebred cat or not.
If the pedigree has not yet been received by the breeder when the kitten is delivered to its new owner, the breeder may provide the buyer with a proof that the pedigree was duly requested, by giving him a copy of the LOOF receipt showing the parents data, a 6-digits file number (which can be used to register the kittens in a LOOF cat show) and the kitten data (name, breed, colour, identification number).
You may see a sample of such a receipt by clicking on the thumbnail at right.
Find back this page: "LOOF", "The LOOF Pedigree"
© LOOF, 2009-2021, all photographic credits, unless otherwise specified, go to www.christophe-hermeline.com
Today is 19.02.2025