Cat Shows planned in February 2025 Saturday 1 February 2025 to Sunday 2 February 2025 BETHENY (51, Champagne Ardenne) - FLORALIE S GARDEN (38 Voie Romaine) organizer: Union Féline Indépendante Champagne Ardennes (UFICA) LOOF registration number: 2024-1507 contact person: Mr TONY JACQUES contact info: mob: 06 25 63 36 35 email: planned judges: M. Steven CORNEILLE (France), M. Hans KLEIN (Germany), Ms Heike KLEIN (Germany), M. Jean-Marc LAGARDE (France), Ms Julie LECLERCQ (Belgium), Ms Christel SALMON-MARTEL (France), Ms Sarolta VIRAGHALMY (Hungary), M. José WEERTS (Belgium) | ROQUEVAIRE (13, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'azur) - Salle Raymond Raynaud organizer: Passion Alliance Féline (PAF) LOOF registration number: 2024-1523 contact person: Mr Bruno MORIN-SALLARD contact info: mob: +33 6 68 62 71 09 email: planned judges: Ms Florence BAJOU (France), Ms Sandra LICCIARDI (France), M. Richard MAIGNAUT (France), M. Stéphane MONNIER (France), M. Peter MOORMANN (Netherlands), M. Pascal REMY (France) official breed special for THAI organized with TFC on Saturday | CHATEAUROUX (36, Centre-Val de loire) - HALL DES EXPOSTIONS DE BELLE ISLE organizer: Club Félin de l'Ouest (CFO) LOOF registration number: 2024-1527 contact person: Ms JACQUELINE VIVIER contact info: mob: 0665354968 email: planned judges: Ms Martine CAILLARD (France), M. Fabrice CALMES (France), Ms Sylvie COMTE (France), M. Louis COSTE (France), Ms Françoise DUBOIS (France), M. Yann GOBRECHT (France), M. Joël HENRY (France), M. Jonathan KOSKAS (France), M. David MEISTER (Germany), M. Dieter MEISTER (Germany), Ms Marion MEISTER (Germany), Ms Céline SOUCASSE (France), Ms Sandra WUYTACK (Belgium) official breed special for CORNISH REX organized with PCR on Saturday official breed special for SACRED BIRMAN organized with ANABI on Saturday official breed special for KURILIAN BOBTAIL organized with KBC on Saturday official breed special for MAINE COON organized with MCCF on Sunday official breed special for BENGAL organized with CFB on Sunday |
Saturday 8 February 2025 to Sunday 9 February 2025 TOULOUSE (31, Midi Pyrénées) - HALL 8 ALLEE FERNAND JOURDANT organizer: Cercle Félin du Languedoc Midi Pyrénées Roussillon (CFL) LOOF registration number: 2024-1508 contact person: Mr Jean-Marc LAGARDE contact info: mob: 06 82 92 77 04 email: planned judges: Ms Pamela A. BARRETT (United States), M. Steven CORNEILLE (France), Ms Chiara DE LUCA (Italy), Ms Hélène GUILLAUME (France), M. Joël HENRY (France), Ms Katharina KRENN (Austria), Ms Svetlana LALOVIC (Serbia), M. Richard MAIGNAUT (France), Ms Corinne MICHAUX (Belgium), Ms Pascale PORTELAS (France), Ms Eleonora RUGGIERO (Italy), Ms Karen STINSON (United States) official breed special for SIBERIAN organized with AMISIB on Saturday official breed special for BRITISH SH & LH organized with BBC on Sunday official breed special for NORVEGIAN organized with ADN on Sunday |
Saturday 15 February 2025 to Sunday 16 February 2025 CAMBRAI (59, Nord-Pas de Calais) - PALAIS DES GROTTES - BOULEVARD PAUL BEZIN -59400 CAMBRAI organizer: Club du Chat 3000 (CC 3000) LOOF registration number: 2023-1485 contact person: Ms Marie-Thérèse SZMIDT contact info: mob: 0673506851 email: planned judges: M. Fabrice CALMES (France), M. Louis COSTE (France), Ms Mary-Lise DE LANDTSHEER (Belgium), Ms Olga DENTICO (Italy), M. Thierry FONTAINE (France), Ms Geneviève FRANC (PAQUET) (Belgium), Ms Bénédicte GILLOTEAU (France), Ms Hélène GUILLAUME (France), M. Jean Paul LE BRUN (France), M. Pascal POBE (France), Ms Eleonora RUGGIERO (Italy), M. José WEERTS (Belgium) special judgement RAGDOLL on Saturday official breed special for MAINE COON organized with MCCF on Sunday | BEAUMONT SUR OISE (95, Paris - Ile de France) - SALLE LEO LAGRANGE organizer: CLUB DE LA FAMILLE FELINE (CFF) LOOF registration number: 2024-1524 contact person: Mr JONATHAN CHAMPROUX contact info: tel: 06 77 77 46 68 email: planned judges: Ms Sylvie COMTE (France), Ms Françoise DUBOIS (France), Ms Beverly ELIAN (Romania), M. Yann GOBRECHT (France), M. Michael GRUHN (Germany), M. Joël HENRY (France), Ms Jelena LAVRENTYEVA (Latvia), Ms Anca NECOLOIU (Romania) official breed special for SELKIRK REX organized with Selk@club on Saturday | OLLIOULES (83, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'azur) - EXTERNAT LA CORDEILLE - ROUTE DE FAVEYROLLES organizer: Association Féline Méditerranéenne (AFM) LOOF registration number: 2024-1533 contact person: Ms DOMINIQUE LE ROCH contact info: mob: 06 80 95 19 61 email: planned judges: Ms Florence BAJOU (France), Ms Aline GAREL (NOEL) (Canada), Ms Sandra LICCIARDI (France), Ms Corinne MICHAUX (Belgium), Ms Alla SERIMOGLU (Turkey), M. Krzysztof WYCICHOWSKI (Poland) official breed special for BRITISH SH & LH organized with APBS on Saturday | SURY LE COMTAL (42, Rhône-Alpes) - SALLE DES SPORTS - ROUTE DE MONTBRISON - 42450 SURY LE COMTAL organizer: Amitié Féline de France (AFF) LOOF registration number: 2024-1558 contact person: Mr Lorenzo TRIOLO contact info: tel: +33 7 70 12 87 82 - mob: +33 7 56 94 92 88 email: planned judges: Ms Brigitte BERTHELON (France), Ms Béatrice Anne KELLER (Switzerland), M. Peter MOORMANN (Netherlands), M. Pascal REMY (France), Ms Geneviève THUT (Switzerland) | |
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