In order to ease and favor exchanges with other cat federations worldwide, some agreements may be signed between LOOF and other federations with the aim of organizing joint cat shows, mutually recognizing feline judges credentials, cooperating for the improvement of pedigrees, etc.
Such an agreement was signed between LOOF and TICA since February 2001. It has been updated and enhanced in 2016:
- download the English version;
- download the French version.
A new agreement between LOOF and WCF has been signed in May 2018, replacing the old agreement signed in 2011:
- download the English version;
- download the French version.
An agreement between LOOF and CFA has been signed in February 2019:
- download the English version ;
- download the French version.
An agreement between LOOF and ENFI (Ente Nazionale Felinotecnica Italiana), a federation licensed by the italian Ministry of Agriculture for the management of a feline stud book in Italy, was signed in June 2016.
Download it (French).
Find back this page: "LOOF", "Agreements"
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Today is 09.03.2025