banniere LOOF

LOOF - News

Welcome on this English version of the LOOF web site!

Primarily aimed at informing members of the worldwide cat fancy on the LOOF activities,
this site contains the English version of a few pages of the complete LOOF website in French.


In 2018, LOOF has issued 42,803 purebred cats' pedigrees. (43003 registrations together including the lineage registry).

On the podium, the Maine Coon maintains its 1st place and continues its progression, the Birman secures its second place and the Bengal is third, with the gap between Bengal and Persian widening year after year.

To learn more, you will find, in the "Cat Breeds", "Statistics" section:

    - a detailed analysis with the complete statistics of the evolution of the French purebred cats' population (Detail section),

    - an overview per breed and per year (Table section).

Top 8 breeds for 2016

icone appli LOOF

Discover your favourite breed with the LOOF app!

With a few clicks on your smartphone or your tablet, choose the breed which fits your expectations, discover its description, read its breed standard, contact its affiliated breed clubs and the breeders close to you, or find out about the next cat shows!
The app is available both in French and English languages.

Download the app by clicking below or by flashing the code:

IOS app on App store Android app on Google Play
QR code Appli LOOF App Store QR code appli LOOF Android
accueil appli LOOF

If you don't own a smartphone or a tablet, you can still access the app content on the LOOF mobile site.

Statistics LOOF statistics studying the breed cat population in France have been updated as of January 1st, 2016.
They include data for all breeds together as well as for 25 different groups of breeds. Among others, you will find there the number of pedigrees per year, the litter size and months of birth, the age of breeding studs and queens, their number of kittens, the number of breeders, etc. All this information mine is available under « Breeds », « statistics », « Detailed statistics ».
The LOOF has moved!... Since April 1st, 2010, the LOOF offices are located 1 rue du Pré St Gervais, in Pantin.
(see "LOOF", "contact us")


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Today is 07.03.2025